Other 1964 films in the PNW

This is a media collection from other noteworthy films that played the Pacific Northwest in 1964 and some spook show-type stuff. While these don’t have enough content to warrant their own pages they should not be dismissed 🙂

ClassicCult #KGordonMurray #AmericanInternationalPictures #AIP #SpookShows #misleading #misinformation


“Psychomania” (1963) and “Monstrosity” (1963) in the Pacific Northwest.

This is a collection of media from the initial runs of “Psychomania” (1963) and “Monstrosity” (1963) in the Pacific Northwest. This reissue pairing only appeared to play in Portland and the PNW was skipped for the initial releases of both films.

ClassicHorror #ClassicSciFi #DickVanPatten #JamesFarentino #DelTennyProductions #VictoriaFilms #EmersonFilmEnterprises #misleading #misinformation
